Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Je ne parle pas..."

I have 3 or 4 years left of Youth-hood as defined by Working Holiday Visas. Having never truly lived (worked/paid rent/purchased a month long bus pass) anywhere aside from Vancouver I feel like I should take advantage of these visas. Help!

I'm oddly enamoured by Europe (odd because I had a heavy lean on obscure/cheap locales) so France or Spain would be fantastic. However I don't speak a lick of French, Spanish or Catalan so finding work would be near impossible.  So UK or Australia make sense. The UK means I can travel around Europe easily. I'm also allowed a 2 year stay there. Though when I was 14 I told myself I would live in Australia one day. Plus I have some friends and family there. So I'm torn. While very large, choosing Australia means I'd just be in Australia/NZ, unlikely jetting off on long weekend trips to another country. Or maybe I should throw myself in a country where I don't speak the language and be forced to learn it quickly. Or I could do it all too...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

So only while you're young can you get an extended stay visa? Link?